CAAS Report Card
2012-2017 - Community Environment & Noise Advisory Committee (CENAC)
CENAC progress in the last 5 years:
- Sound Monitoring stations installed in selected communities only - Data has been collected
- An online complaints collection process in place - Data has been collected
- Established a Residents’ Reference Panel” https://torontopearson.com/rrp/##
- Only 3 residents of the 36 member group live within 7 KMs of the airport
There are so many things that could have been done in the last 5 years (Low hanging fruit - nothing done!)
- Enforcement of fines (Airlines, Operators, etc)
- Forcing the retrofit of Airbus 3 series aircraft (This issue was identified at Los Angeles LAX in 2005)
- Eliminating night flights (Similar to Frankfurt in 2012)
- GTAA 2016 Aircraft movements = 456,536 & Frankfurt 2016 Aircraft movements = 462,885
Typical responses to the community concerns at public and private meetings and correspondence include:
- “Not our focus", "Not our mandate", “Not our responsibility” .. Please contact .....
- or ... “That’s Nav Canada’s issue”, “That's Transport Canada’s”, “That’s Air Canada’s”, etc.
- or … “we looking into it” or “we are working on it” or “it was submitted this week”
- or ... "its complicated"
Our conclusion: CENAC is only here to drive the airport's agenda …
- So we organized and launched CAAS and the result is scores of people are coming out to join CAAS
- An Industry Insider went as far as saying: “the GTAA hire exec’s whose only job is to collect data and do nothing with it”
- Our report card issues an “F minus” to CENAC
Our insight continues to grow:
- It's clear to us the GTAA wants to double their capacity and the number of flights into Pearson
- It's clear to us that Government oversight is missing and the GTAA is driving full speed ahead with NAV Canada right by their side
- It's clear to us that existing Transport Canada operational requirements do not mean anything to the GTAA and NAV Canada even if the primary focus of these detailed government reports and mandated use requirements, was SAFETY
- It's clear to us that the National Safety Board continues to audit serious plane incursions and the GTAA does not seem to be taking that as seriously as most would expect
- It's clear to us that the Pilots Association has RED FLAGGED Pearson and told their membership to be vigilant when arriving and departing at Pearson
- It's clear to us that keeping Airport Traffic Controllers staffing levels strong is and continues to be a problem at Pearson
- We could go on .. But I think we have made our point
It seems like the GTAA is staging their property to ensure the value of the airport is maximized
- We know that the GTAA signed a 10yr deal with Air Canada to lower landing fees and allow the rapid growth of Air Canada’s business at Pearson
- We know that the GTAA has shown no meaningful goodwill as it relates to being a good neighbor
- They have done nothing in 5 years to provide any positive impact to the surrounding communities
- There continues to be no effective collaboration and transparency
- The community trust factor is at ROCK Bottom "ZERO"
- We know that our government's oversight is providing little to no insight or influence
- In fact, some are saying Canada is far from a leader on the global stage as it relates to government oversight of air transportation
OUR ASK ? (Download the GTAA Response here - PDF File)
- CENAC must become an objective voice of the community (or please just shut it down)
- It's time that an impartial Ombudsman is put in place with the power to drive change (Like Australia)
- CAAS would like a copy of the 10 year agreement with Air Canada
- CAAS would like direct communication with the auditors at the National Safety board to see all reports and violations by the airport in the last 25 years in the form of a detailed report.
- CAAS would like a complete record of all viloations and fines to airlines and any operators that have violated an operational requirements in the last 25 years in the form of a detailed report.
- CAAS would like to see the GTAA and NAV Canada produce a forward looking 10 year operational plan
- This report should include a detailed RISK mitigation plan of actions and consequences for failure to comply
- This report should also address any issues that come out of the 25 year operations review requested above (4&5)
- This report should also address any potential new risk factors that are identified by the GTAA, NAV Canada, Helios, Transport Canada or any other resource.
- CAAS would also like to know that Transport Canada has done their own due diligence on these reports and that they take ownership and accountability for Air Safety in Canada as they are mandated to do.
- CAAS would like to ensure that they are an active participant in the GTAA Community Review Process
- CAAS will actively review and comment on all proposed changes that alter the operations at Pearson
- CAAS must have the ability to drive change as a voice of the community
- CAAS will not accept being a funnel of ideas that will never be addressed
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